Refractory Castable for Waste Heat Boiler Lining

Working principle of waste heat boiler. Fuel, gas, and coal are burned to generate high-temperature flue gas to release heat. The high-temperature flue gas first enters the furnace, then enters the waste heat recovery device of the front smoke box, and then enters the pyrotechnic tube. Finally, it enters the waste heat recovery device in the flue of the rear smoke box, and the high-temperature flue gas becomes low-temperature flue gas and is discharged into the atmosphere through the chimney. Because the waste heat boiler greatly improves the utilization rate of the heat released by fuel combustion, this kind of boiler is very energy-saving. The refractory castable for waste heat boiler lining is a mixed powdery granule composed of various aggregates or aggregates and one or more binders. When used, it needs to be mixed with one or more liquids and stirred evenly, and has strong fluidity and plasticity. Refractory castables for waste heat boiler lining usually use unshaped refractories such as high-strength wear-resistant castable, self-flowing corundum castable products, lightweight thermal insulation castable, and thermal shock-resistant refractory products.

Corundum Self-Flowing Refractory Castable
Corundum Self-Flowing Refractory Castable

Corundum self-flowing castable

Rongsheng self-flowing refractory castable products have good fluidity, reasonable setting time, labor-saving, fast and convenient. High strength and long life. It has good thermal insulation performance, high temperature resistance, good thermal shock stability, corrosion resistance and erosion resistance. And it can pump mechanized construction, shorten the time of building the furnace, and can bake quickly and shorten the time of the furnace. It is a substitute for low-cement, ultra-low-cement, and no-cement castables. Especially used for heating furnace roof, furnace wall, water-cooled pipe wrapping system and other thin-walled linings and thermal repair of various kilns.

Lightweight Insulation Castable
Lightweight Insulation Castable

Lightweight thermal insulation castable

Lightweight thermal insulation castables are light in volume, high in compressive strength, and resistant to acid and acid gas corrosion. Heat insulation, heat preservation, low water absorption and other characteristics. The construction is simple, and it is an ideal product for the construction of parts with alkali corrosion resistance at high temperatures. Lightweight thermal insulation castables have the characteristics of low bulk density, low thermal conductivity, lightweight, high compressive strength, acid resistance, and acid gas corrosion resistance. Thereby, the thermal energy consumption of the industrial kiln can be reduced, and the weight of the furnace lining can also be reduced.

Wear Resistant Castable
Wear Resistant Castable

High-strength wear-resistant castable

Rongsheng high-strength wear-resistant castable, refractory products can be used by adding water and stirring on site. It has high bonding strength with basic concrete (steel silo), strong impact resistance, compressive strength and good workability. A certain thickness of anti-wear layer is formed on the surface of the silo or mine by manual plastering. It can meet the technical requirements after normal maintenance, and has the characteristics of high wear resistance, good durability and long service life.

Selection of refractory materials for lining of waste heat boiler cooling chamber

When refractory materials are required for the lining of the cooling chamber, these requirements must be followed. In the cooling room without water wall, when the temperature of the inner wall of the furnace wall is below 1300 ℃, the vault and the firewall directly scoured by the flue gas can be made of clay refractory materials for boilers with an Al2O3 content of not less than 40%. For the inner wall of the furnace wall with a wide tube water wall, because of the cooling effect of the water wall tube on the flue gas, a general clay refractory material with an Al2O3 content of less than 40% can be selected. When there is a water wall composed of finned tubes, because the finned tubes have a good shielding effect on the flue gas radiation, the lining of the furnace wall directly laid with refractory materials can be sintered clay water glass refractory concrete or sintered Portland cement refractory concrete. When there is a membrane-type water-cooling wall, because the membrane-type water-cooling wall can completely block the flue gas radiation, it is only necessary to directly lay the thermal insulation material and the thermal-insulation material on the membrane-type water-cooling wall.

RS Global Refractory Manufacturer

Rongsheng refractory material manufacturers provide high-quality refractory lining materials for various industrial furnaces. Our unshaped refractory castable workshop has an annual output of tons. Our products have been sold to more than 70 countries around the world. If you need to buy high-quality refractory castable products and refractory castables for waste heat boiler lining, or other refractory materials, please contact us.