High Alumina Bricks - Rongsheng Refractory Bricks

What Are The Applications For High Refractory Alumina Bricks

High Alumina Bricks - Rongsheng Refractory Bricks
High Alumina Bricks

High alumina refractory bricks are mostly used for various types of furnaces. That may seem like a limited application, but there are many different kinds of furnaces that call for these bricks. There are also different standards for high alumina bricks throughout the world. Not only are there various standards, but you have to decide the grade of brick you need for your particular project.

You can look at different standards for high refractory bricks composed of high alumina content according to their AI203 classes. Let’s get to talking applications once again. Have you heard of open hearth regenerative checker bricks? That is another common application for these high alumina bricks. What about the gating systems with plug heads?

Blast furnaces and furnace tops are two of the examples when it comes to furnaces and using high refractory alumina bricks. In order for these bricks to be classified as ‘high refractory,’ AI203 content must be greater than 48 percent. That is what the number must be according to one source, but remember that various countries have different standards across the board.

When you’re choosing what bricks you need according to their applications, you might be wondering about the firing temperature. That can depend on the raw materials used in the bricks and their sintering properties. These types of bricks can also be used on the roofs of an electric furnace.

You are becoming more and more familiar with the applications for high refractory alumina bricks. Do you need bricks for a rotary kiln lining? That is one of the applications as well. Then there are the reverberatory furnaces. You might just have one project in mind right now, but you will know what other ways the high alumina bricks can be used for future purposes. Plus, knowing their applications overall can help you better determine if you want to use that type of brick or not.

You can do more than just identify the applications for these bricks. You can also read up on how well they work when they are used. There is quite a lot of information about their industrial uses. High refractory alumina bricks are used for industrial kilns quite often. There are various types of industrial kilns of course.

These bricks help resist mechanical and chemical erosion. There is a strict mixing and molding process to making these bricks. Are you going to make them or just purchase them? These bricks provide for good slag resistance. I was looking at the grades for these bricks, and it appears that there are four grades, at least according to one source. There is 3rd grade, 2nd grade, 1st grade and special grade.

The more knowledge you acquire about these high alumina refractory bricks, the more you are going to know about their applications and uses. They are used for quite a few different purposes. You have to be very specific when it comes to which of the alumina refractory bricks you use, so keep that in mind as you make a decision.